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Currently Under Construction for any future inquiries as I finish my current batch.

I am not accepting any inquiries at the moment and these will be indefinitely closed as I work through my current batch. I will no longer accept commissions on a large scale, after finishing my queue, and will not be opening them as often as I did before. As clearly, this has led to a great deal of complications on the side of my clients who deserve the utmost respect and proper service they have agreed to pay for.

To anyone reading this, you all deserve full transparency. The way I handled management and commissions was greatly inefficient and unsustainable. I want to create a better work ethic despite any sort of personal hardships that occur in my real life. I made the mistake of thinking I could take on too many which then resulted in a great amount of disorganization, rightfully unsatisfied clients, and overall a great deal of unprofessionalism from yours truly.

I sincerely apologize to all my current clients and those currently still awaiting in my queue. Because of my current situation, I am unable to refund current clients in my queue who have not yet received their final piece. I have reached out to many and are currently working things through with each and every one of them as quickly as I can currently, and offering ways to compensate them. On top of that, I'm also going to be creating a Trello board to keep track so this issue does not happen again.

Thank you so much for your time. I once again apologize for this great inconvenience.



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